Our Services

Radiant Heart Consulting offers Facilitation Services for

EPIC Healing Eugene

The Nation’s First Licensed Service Center

We Offer A Range of Experiences & Psilocybin Therapy

1:1 Psilocybin Experiences

Group Sessions

& Non psilocybin experiences

(Including 2 Free Monthly Group Preparation and Integration Sessions per Month for Every Client!)

Non-Psilocybin Customized Experiences Available - NEW OFFERING (by the hour)

These can be added to any psilocybin session, retreat, or as a stand alone service! Public Offering. Open to Everyone.

Have a custom personal growth experience with one of our retreat or skilled facilitators. Sessions can include transpersonal or life coaching, personalized psychedelic preparation and integration, sound baths, energy healing, breathwork experiences, shamanic journeys and guided meditations, chakra balancing, voice toning and empowerment experiences, intention setting and visualization, heart-centered hypnotherapy experiences, and much more!

*These are offerings occur outside of the psilocybin session. The charge for one hour of services, such as coaching, energy healing or other sampling of a retreat offering is $135.00/ hr. The cost for more people to attend is an additional $30/hr per person.

1:1 Psilocybin Therapy Packages & Pricing

The Traditional Experience

Pricing: *$2200 or $2800 depending on the Facilitator

(Discount for Returning Clients and Multiple People)

*Price Does not Include Psilocybin Product

We offer sliding scale scholarships - contact us to apply here!

What’s Included:

  • Three Hours of Thorough and Individual Preparation

  • Unique and In-depth Preparation Guide with exercises you can practice on your own

  • Unlimited Group Preparation Meetings (Bi-Monthly)

  • One Psilocybin Administration Session

  • Two Hours of Individual Integration

  • Unlimited Group Integration Meetings (Bi-Monthly)

  • Free Access to Exclusive EPIC Alumni Content

The Explorers Experience

2 Psilocybin Sessions (Low and High Dose) Package

Pricing: *$3300 or $4200 depending on the Facilitator

*Second Session Should be Within 6 Months

(Discount for Returning Clients and Multiple People)

*Price Does not Include Psilocybin Product

We offer sliding scale scholarships - contact us to apply here!

What’s Included:

  • All the amazing features from the Traditional Package


  • One Low Dose Psilocybin Session to build comfort and trust with the mushrooms

  • One High Dose Psilocybin Experience curated to find what the best high dosage amount is for you

  • Extra Integration Support Between Sessions

The Double Summit

2 Psilocybin Therapy Sessions (High Dose and High Dose) Package

Pricing: *$3600 or $4600 depending on the Facilitator

*Second Session Should be Within 6 Months

(Discount for Returning Clients and Multiple People)

*Price Does not Include Psilocybin Product

We offer sliding scale scholarships - contact us to apply here!

What’s Included:

  • All the amazing features from the Traditional Package


  • Two High Dose Psilocybin Experiences curated for you to explore two deep journeys in this safe and creative space.

  • Extra Integration Support Between Sessions

The Tester Package

“A Handshake with Psilocybin” Smaller Dose Offering

Pricing: *$1800 or $2300 depending on the Facilitator

(Discount for Returning Clients)

*Price Does not Include Psilocybin Product

We offer sliding scale scholarships - contact us to apply here!

What’s Included:

  • All the amazing features from the Traditional Package

About This Package:

A smaller dose offering is a wonderful way for participants to engage in an administration session involving a reduced dosage of psilocybin. This range of dosage gives participants an opportunity to experience the physical and emotional sensations associated with a psilocybin journey. Often we find as you familiarize yourself with these sensations, it can offer a smoother transition into a bigger experience in the future. This is also a great option for those who want a lighter dive into psilocybin. You will be supported thoroughly with your chosen facilitator and be eligible for all groups and services we offer.

Group Psilocybin Therapy Packages & Pricing

The Radiant Group Experience

Pricing: Pricing: *$1800 per client with groups of 2 or 3 per facilitator (up to 6 people)

(Discount for EPIC Alumni)

*Price Does not Include Psilocybin Product

We offer sliding scale scholarships - contact us to apply here!

What’s Included:

  • All the amazing features from the Traditional Package


  • At EPIC, The Entire Service Center is Private (Groups of 3 or more, up to 5-6 clients)

    • Includes the Garden room, the Hummingbird Room, and the courtyard & private bathroom.

  • Unique Group Psilocybin Experience Preparation

  • NEW: Add extra facilitator for more privacy and individualized attention ~ $800 for group sessions.

About this Package:

We invite couples and those who know each other such as friends, family members, or professional colleagues who want to explore a shared personal growth and bonding experience. Our small groups are curated with extra support staff to provide individualized attention while in a shared intimate setting. At EPIC, we offer our full service center for group sessions of 3 or more people: two rooms and our courtyard.

Staffing options:

  1. The pricing listed for 2 and 3 clients assumes one facilitator and a shared administration session, same room, with temporary access to the adjoining room with door open. Includes a combo of individual and group preparation and integration.

  2. Add Extra Facilitator for cost of $800 to enable more individualized care and closed door option for adjoined room for extra privacy and support. Includes a combo of individual and group preparation and integration. (Groups of 4 to 6 - add $800 for extra facilitator. 3 or less, optional).

  3. For clients who want full private administration sessions at the same time. Each client would arrange for an individual session with their facilitator, the pricing listed for 1 client, an individual session, is applicable. Includes individual preparation and integration sessions for each client.


Personal, Community, and Spiritual Growth Opportunities

Yearly Membership to attend our 4 Personal Growth Groups

Each personal growth group is offered once a month, for a total of four groups a month. These include: Embracing Transitions, New Moon Healing Circle, Psilocybin & Personal Growth: A Scientific Exploration, and Trauma Healing & Transformation Group. Read about these groups below!

The cost for a one-year membership is $150. 

Customized Holistic Experiences

This is a flexible experience commonly ranging from 1-5 hours. These services can be scheduled with a facilitator that offers unique services you are interested in. The charge for one hour of services, such as coaching, energy healing or other sampling of a retreat offering is $135.00/ hr. The cost for each extra person to attend is an additional $30/ hr.

Join us for energy healing, coaching, and a unique personal experience just for you.

*(EPIC's on-going Preparation and Integration groups are not included in yearly membership. For clients that sign up for services, they can receive on-going invitations to all groups. The five-hour non-psilocybin customized service package also includes the personal growth yearly membership package).

Embracing Transitions

Free To All EPIC Clients

An open & supportive personal growth group

The “Embracing Transitions” group is focused on those experiencing significant changes in their lives including end-of-life, terminal diagnoses, grief and aging.  This group offers an array of self-help strategies, embodiment practices, focused breathing and other tools of emotional regulation. This will be a safe space to share about the feelings and emotions that come up when faced with challenges - physical, spiritual and otherwise. This will also be a space to explore our legacies and grief. 

This group is facilitated by Heather Shelton (BSN, Herbalist, Retired Nurse), Nina Wyngethrin (BA, MS), and Jack Kapustka (BS). These Radiant Heart Facilitators have backgrounds in various fields of study and experience, including herbalism, nursing, education, and neuroscience.

Our supportive facilitators pictured above.

New Moon Healing Circle 

Free To All EPIC Clients

A beautiful personal growth group led by Cathy

This personal growth group offers a sampling of what happens in some of our retreats. In this group offered by Cathy, participants will be introduced to a variety of transformational and empowering offerings, including guided meditations, shamanic journeys, heart-centered hypnotherapy experiences, healing Earth songs, and an array of self-help strategies from Cathy’s book, Metamorphosis of an Awakened Heart: With Teachings from Mother Ayahuasca. (Book NOT required).

This group is facilitated by Cathy Jonas (LCSW, CHT, Energy Healer, Heart-Centered Guide, & Lead Licensed facilitator) - the founder and CEO of EPIC / RHC. Group offered once a month, Sundays 10:00 - 11:11 AM PST. Group open to anyone interested and scheduled for an EPIC / RHC Session or has received services from us. Starting July 7th, on Google Meet. No extra charge.

Cathy Jonas - CEO & Facilitator

Psilocybin & Personal Growth: A Scientific Exploration

Free To All EPIC Clients

An in-depth personal growth group led by Jack & Aaron

This personal growth group brings a scientific exploration of psilocybin and dives into new personal growth strategies. During these monthly group meetings, we will discuss psilocybin and personal growth topics through the lens of academic research. These sessions are led by Jack Kapustka and Aaron Arvidson and will focus on evidence-based modalities for improving preparation and integration practices.

Join us for this Free monthly offering that will take place during the first week of each month. Group open to anyone interested and scheduled for an EPIC / RHC Session or has received services from us.

Starting August 1st from 5pm -6pm PST, on Google Meet. No extra charge.

Aaron Arvidson & Jack Kapustka

Trauma Healing & Transformation Group 

Free To All EPIC Clients

A Holistic Group Led by Our Trauma Specialists Cathy and Jennifer

This personal growth group offers an array of self-help strategies, including practicing traditional techniques such as bilateral resource tapping (a DIY form of EMDR), embodiment practices, focused breathing, and other tools of emotional regulation including nervous system and vagus nerve calming. Practices and teachings will be offered from Cathy’s book, Metamorphosis of an Awakened Heart: With Teachings from Mother Ayahuasca. (Book NOT required), as well as from decades of working with a variety of people with trauma histories, including gems the facilitators have learned from our own life paths. 

This group is facilitated by some of EPIC / RHC's Trauma Specialists: Cathy Jonas (LCSW, CHT, Energy Healer, Heart-Centered Guide, & Lead Licensed facilitator) - the founder and CEO of EPIC / RHC, and Jennifer Dziubanek, LCSW, Senior Licensed Facilitator. Group offered once a month, Weekday 10:00 - 11:11 AM PST. Group open to anyone interested and scheduled for an EPIC / RHC Session or has received services from us. Starting August 14th, on Google Meet. No Charge.

Jennifer Dziubanek & Cathy Jonas

Our services focus on deep healing work, mindfulness, empowerment, spirituality, and transformation through psilocybin facilitation and integration. We teach self-help strategies that support self-directed personal development and brain change. We help you prepare for a healing shift that will help you get the most out of your experiential journeys. Our skilled and supportive staff offer preparation sessions, followed by integration sessions to help you better recognize and incorporate the gems of insight from your psychedelic experiences into your daily life.

Oregon state guidelines require a non-directive approach to psilocybin preparation, facilitation, and integration. This approach is supportive, yet not focused on “fixing you” or leading you in any particular direction. What we offer is Psilocybin therapy, which is a non-medical treatment that empowers you to know yourself, your inner world, more deeply. Despite several of EPIC’s Radiant Heart Consulting facilitators possessing advanced mental heath and medical degrees, this is not our focus or how we approach our work. We trust that you are an expert in your own life, so we want to nurture the connection that is made with the psilocybin and ultimately yourself. The coaching and strategies we provide during preparation and integration are supportive of this process. Providing a safe and supportive space for individualized healing and transformation is our highest priority. Our varied backgrounds bring to our practice the intangibles of wisdom, compassion, and decades of working with a variety of people from all walks of life. Each person’s inner intelligence is considered the primary guide for healing, along with the inner-wisdom promoting action of the psilocybin. We help with facilitating that connection and provide a safe space and the support for taking the time to go deep within.

EPIC Healing Eugene offers a safe and supportive setting, while preparation, facilitation, and integration services are provided through our sister company, Radiant Heart Consulting. Our trained and skilled facilitators at Radiant Heart Consulting provide three hours of individual preparation, a supported yet non-directed experiential session, and two hours of individual integration session as part of each offering. In addition to the individual preparation and integration, we also offer a monthly Preparation Group for those signed up for a facilitation session with us. Once a client completes their facilitated session, they are welcome to attend our monthly EPIC Integration Groups. Our on-going Integration Groups are offered twice monthly at no extra charge. We also offer retreats. See below.

We utilize a Harm-Reduction approach, and teach a variety of self-help strategies to help clients prepare for and then gain the most out of their transformational experiences. These additional teachings are provided in the form of our free video offerings, or additional arranged sessions. We believe in building a partnership with our clients, which is formed by the pillars of mutual respect, rapport building, respect for the mushrooms, and a trust in client's inner healer/intelligence as the most important part of being able to bring sustained healing insights into daily life.

Please check out our Videos and Blog page for further updates.

We offer Psilocybin Therapy

Our skilled and talented facilitators are grateful to share their gifts, offering highly curated & transformational Retreat Experiences