Take Your Personal Growth Journey to a Deeper Level

Psychedelic Preparation - A Heart Path Approach

Psychedelic Integration - Our Top Tips!

We offer lots of personal growth resource information. It is our belief that ultimately you are your best healer, teacher, and inner guide. We try to empower and encourage you through the process of you getting to know yourself better.

Psychedelic & Mental Health Support Resources

The support a person receives following a psychedelic experience is believed by many to be as important as the psychedelic experience itself. Preparation is also important and can help build the foundation for more lasting results following a psychedelic experience, as well as maneuvering challenging times during the experience itself. Therefore, preparation and integration go hand in hand. Whether by engaging in some deep introspection by journaling or talking to someone who is psychedelically informed and knowledgeable, most people have longer lasting positive effects from their psychedelic experience when they have additional support. Often, this support is before the experience (preparation) and then following (integration). You can also engage in self-healing strategies on your own, which can make a significant difference in how a psychedelic experience is approached, and getting tractions in the transformation to take place. We’re here to help with that process in the ways we can.

Learn more about what’s included in all of our service packages:

In addition to three hours of individual preparation, EPIC Healing Eugene (Oregon’s first licensed service center), in coordination with Radiant Heart Consulting offers two individual Integration sessions as part of each experiential session. EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting Team also offer bimonthly group Preparation Sessions for those scheduled for a session at EPIC, bimonthly group Integration sessions for those who have completed a session with us. We also offer bi-monthly personal growth groups for anyone who is signed up or has completed a session with us. Our skilled team also offers healing and transformational retreats.

Radiant Heart Consulting also offers the following resources for extra preparation and integration sessions with a variety of trauma informed therapists and others trained in the healing arts, as well as some self-healing, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) strategies. While this list is by no means exhaustive, the resources we’ve included are part of a general internet search of providers and services offering integration services in the form of blog articles, services, and suggestions. Some of these resources may include some of our staff members of EPIC Healing Eugene or Radiant Heart Consulting, however most are not affiliated. Please do your due diligence when reaching out to resources offered, and ask questions and check reviews to make sure services are a good fit for you. The most important part of this process is it be guided by you, and remember that integration can go on for months after the actual psychedelic experience. We will continually update and add to this list. 

Immediate Crisis? 

If you are experiencing a crisis and need immediate support, you can call 988 for support, or go to your nearest emergency department.

The Fireside Project - this is a phone line to discuss psychedelic experiences with peers and trained individuals. phone: (623-473-7433), 62-FIRESIDE. 11am - 11pm.

Whitebird Clinic- offers a 24 hr crisis line and variety of support for those low income or in crisis. Phone: 541-346-3227.

Eugene - Local Integration, Crisis, and Support Options

EDELIC- offers regular in-person integration circles and video showings held in Eugene, by donation. Robust psychedelic library.

Trauma Healing Project- a variety of supportive offerings, sliding scale

Whitebird Clinic- offers a variety of support for those low income or in crisis. Phone: 541-346-3227.

Psychedelically aware, personal growth coaches/ therapist providers:

Have a Custom (non-psilocybin) Personal Growth Experience with one of EPIC Healing / Radiant Heart’s retreat or skilled facilitators. Sessions can include transpersonal or life coaching, personalized psychedelic preparation and integration, learning self-healing / self-care strategies, sound baths, energy healing, breath-work experiences, shamanic journeys and guided meditations, chakra balancing, voice toning and empowerment experiences, intention setting and visualization, heart-centered hypnotherapy experiences, and much more!

Services offered in Eugene, Portland, and remotely:

*These are offerings occur outside of the psilocybin session. The charge for one hour of services, such as preparation and integration, coaching, energy healing or other sampling of a retreat offering is $135.00/ hr. The cost for more people to attend is an additional $30/hr per person. Contact: Info@epichealingeugene.com or arrange for a free exploration call to discuss services.

Any member of our Radiant Heart Consulting Facilitator Team can offer customized hourly services, including for Psychedelic Preparation and Integration.

Meet some of our team (bios):

Cathy Jonas, LCSW (Founder / CEO of EPIC & Radiant Heart/ Senior Facilitator) will be offering Psychedelic Preparation and Integrative Sessions, Trauma Support, Energy Healing, and Personal Growth Coaching

Jennifer Dziubanek, LCSW, Mental Health Resource Specialist, Trauma-specialist, Senior licensed facilitator.

Heather Shelton, Retired Nurse & Herbalist: Will provide Integrative Coaching from Wellness of whole person; Senior Facilitator.

Ciara Cuddihy, Transpersonal Coach: Personal Coaching, Psychedelic Preparation and Integrative Sessions, Senior Facilitator.

Erin Baldwin Draper, MSW: Trauma-specialist, psychedelic therapist, Senior Facilitator at EPIC / RHC.

General psychotherapy: (Nationwide Resource)

Transpersonal, Shamanic, and Psychedelically Informed- Counselors: Check out Transpersonal Therapists in your city and state online on Psychology Today.

(More and more therapists are becoming psychedelically aware, ask them when you engage in your search or during your screening call)

Mary Grace Brogdon, LCSW. Specializes in Anxiety, Geriatric and Seniors, and Trauma and PTSD (Eugene, Oregon)

EPIC Healing Eugene/Radiant Heart Consulting: Group Support

Yearly Membership to attend our 4 Personal Growth Groups

Each personal growth group is offered once a month, for a total of four groups a month. These include: Embracing Transitions, New Moon Healing Circle, Psilocybin & Personal Growth: A Scientific Exploration, and Trauma Healing & Transformation Group. Read about these groups below!

The cost for a one-year membership is $150. 

*(EPIC's on-going Preparation and Integration groups are not included in yearly membership. For clients that sign up for services, they can receive on-going invitations to all groups. Signing up for a five-hour non-psilocybin customized service package also includes the personal growth yearly membership package).

Free bimonthly EPIC/RHC Preparation Groups for those signed up with a session with us.

Free bimonthly EPIC/RHC Integration Groups for those who have completed a session with us.

Monthly Personal Growth Groups for those who have signed up or completed a session with us.

Psychedelics in Recovery

(Anyone who identifies as being in recovery from a behavioral or substance related addiction with an interest in integrating intentional use of psychedelics or plant medicine is welcome at Psychedelics in Recovery meetings)

DIY Psychedelic Integration- journals:

(In EPIC / Radiant Heart Consulting’s continued effort to support clients in their preparation and integration process, we reimburse our clients $15.00 for their psychedelic journal purchase when they come to their EPIC Healing Eugene session, or will gift you a journal at the end of session- based on supply). All these journals have journal helpful journal prompts. We recommend you get one.

Beyond the Trip: A Journal for Psychedelic Preparation and Integration - Matt Lemon (has psychedelic journal prompts, 4-week integration exercise, space for writing, mandala art, and 30-day gratitude practice). Cathy’s top psychedelic journal pick

Psychedelic Guide & Integration Journal: For Intentionally Exploring & Healing With Plant Medicines Paperback – Lauren Nikohl (has psychedelic journal prompts and space for writing).

Psychedelic Journey Integration Guide: Inspiration Journal to support your Preparation and Integration- Dr. Lindsay Wilkinson (has psychedelic journal prompts, space for writing, and many inspiring quotes from different teachers, educators, and inspiring people).

EPIC’s DIY Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Youtube videos

Psychedelic Integration: Top Tips from EPIC Healing Eugene, Nation's First Psilocybin Service Center with Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse.

Preparing for the Psychedelic Experience: Taking the “Bad” out of the Trip. EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting’s Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse.

Preparing for a Psychedelic Experience: A Heart Path Approach by EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting’s Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse.

Heart-Centered Tips for Psychedelic Preparation Youtube Video by EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting’s Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse.

Five tips for Psychedelic Preparation Youtube Video from Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW from EPIC Healing Eugene

Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Youtube Video by EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting’s Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse.

More Preparation & Integration Tips Youtube Video by EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting’s Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse.

Mindfulness in Psychedelic Preparation and Integration by EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting’s Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse.

Psychedelic.Support Blog/Article Links: 

Integrating Psychedelics

Demystifying Plant Medicine Integration

5 Tips to Navigate the Ups and Downs of Psychedelic Integration

Integration Support vs Integration Therapy: Is There a Difference?

Making Sense of Bad Trips Through Storytelling

Need a Medication Consult before Exploring Psilocybin?:

Inna Zelikman, PMH-NP, an Integrative Mental Health Nurse Practitioner 

I offer an alternative approach to medication management through more innovative pharmacological solutions that help promote brain healing. Making careful and proper medication adjustments synergistically with pre and post psilocybin journey can help create favorable outcomes and long-lasting effects. Clients can receive the support by contacting me through my website Innazelikmanhealth.com. Free Initial Consultations for those interested in services. Serving those from any state in the United States.

Jon Talusan, PharmD, RPh

Clients can book consultation from his website: talusanconsulting.com

Dr Joanna (Jo) Fisher

Offers guidance regarding medications. Click the book now tab then click schedule for a new patient visit. Remember this is west coast time. Dr Fisher may be able to bill your insurance for your visit. She also has a reasonable cash pay price for consultations. https://gorgecommunitywellness.com/


Ben Malcolm



Team of Naturopathic Doctors who offer psychedelic/medication consulting

Dr. Seth Mehr 

No referral needed. Clients can start the process by contacting our clinic through website." 

Oregon’s Licensed Service Center & Provider Network

We do have availability at EPIC Healing Eugene, and are happy to schedule you at EPIC or at one of the other service centers we contract with, allowing you to take full advantage of the multiple services and the long-term free support we at Radiant Heart Consulting offer. Learn more about what’s included in all of our service packages. You can also view OHA’s provider directories here:

OPS Licensee directory

OPS Facilitator directory

Psychedelic / Personal Growth Retreats @ EPIC / RHC and in Oregon

EPIC Healing Eugene/ Radiant Heart Consulting "Awakening the Heart, Mind, and Soul to who you truly are, and to the gifts you have to share in this life.” We are excited to offer personal growth retreats for Women-Only, and Co-Ed options. Primary Oregon Locations - Portland and Eugene. Visit our EPIC and RHC websites to learn more. Fill out Retreat Application for our waitlist and to be notified of upcoming and future offerings, here. Also you can view our services update video to learn more.

DIY-Healing, Learn Self-Directed Brain Changing Strategies:

Rick Hanson, Ph.D., neuropsychologist, author, he offers many free resources, including Youtube videos, and Podcasts on his website.

Youtube Video: Rick Hanson, PhD. "Take in the Good." (highly recommended video to kick start a personal growth path)

Laurel Parnell, Ph.D., If you'd like to learn about how to engage in bilateral resource tapping yourself, a DIY EMDR strategy, you may want to check out this small book: (Good for self-healing for sleep, anxiety, and PTSD):

Tapping In: A Step-by-Step Guide to Activating Your Healing Resources Through Bilateral Stimulation

Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, founder & CEO of EPIC Healing Eugene/ Radiant Heart Consulting. Books focus on self-healing and learning mindfulness and other helpful strategies, mixed with travel stories:

Metamorphosis of an Awakened Heart: With Teachings From Mother Ayahuasca

Bringing Home the Mountain: Finding the Teacher Within

Supportive Strategies to Support Neuroplasticity/ Brain Change:


Neurofeedback Services. Find a provider in your area. Brain training, build new neuropathways naturally for healing and resiliency building. EEG Info. com.


+❤️HeartMath Coherence Training: “Cutting Edge Heart-Brain Strategies”

Visit their website to learn more about their simple but helpful devices, and many DIY mindfulness strategies, and/or try one of their Quick Coherence Techniques by clicking this link.

Ketamine Assisted Therapy:

Inner Gate Medicine Ketamine Assisted Therapy in Eugene Oregon: Dr. David Bove ND, LAc, Integrative Medicine, Naturopathic Psychiatry. 541-636-1390. drbove@innergatemedicine.net

Healing Maps

  • Find ketamine clinics near you and psychedelic therapies around the globe

  • ketamine assisted psychotherapy is available nationwide and has brought significant improvement to many people with symptoms and situations similar to those seeking psilocybin services.  You can google for ketamine clinics in your area.



Ayahuasca Retreat Centers:

Soltara Healing Center

  • Ayahuasca Retreats (five and seven day retreats), in Costa Rica and Peru. Very good reviews.

Temple of the Way of Light

  • Resource information for preparing for an Ayahuasca retreat, which is also relevant for preparing for a psilocybin or other psychedelic experience. Includes journal prompts, a variety of helpful hints, and mindfulness strategies.

  • Temple of the Way of Light also offers ayahuasca retreats in Peru and gets very good reviews.

Psychedelic Preparation/ Documentaries / Learning Resources


(Highly Recommended)

Netflix: Fantastic Fungi

Netflix: How To Change Your Mind (episode 2 is about psilocybin)

(Other informative recommendations):

Netflix: Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics

Netflix: Goop episode on psychedelics (Ep 1, season 1)


Peter Sage: Mushroom Medicine: Unlocking Minds and Transforming Lives - (amazing and informative interviews from some clients that have visited EPIC, and more…

Andrew Huberman: how-psilocybin-can-rewire-our-brain-its-therapeutic-benefits-and-its-risks

Third Wave Podcast: https://thethirdwave.co/podcast/


How To Change Your Mind by Michael Pollen 

Entertainment/ Educational: 

Learning about Plant Medicines, such as Ayahuasca, for a broader context about working with plant medicines and how they can be helpful and challenging to work with, is also recommended. 

DMT - The Spirit Molecule (on Netflix)

Vine of the Soul

The Last Shaman (This documentary is about a young man with severe depression who has tried just about anything, goes to Peru to work with a variety of Shamans and plant medicines). One of Cathy’s favorite ayahuasca documentaries


[un]well (on Netflix - episode 5)

Ayahuasca- Full Documentary from Aubrey Marcus & Mitch Schultz…. There are Many others…

Hamilton's Pharmacopeia… Mad scientist, nerdy sort of guy travels and interviews guests on psychedelics and street drugs to understand their uses. (Warning: informative, entertaining, humorous, and sometimes a bit wild and mind blowing). Hulu.

Visit the EPIC Healing Eugene Youtube Channel for a variety of helpful videos.

Tips for Psychedelic Preparation & Integration

Visit EPIC Healing Eugene Videos for updates and Self-Help Strategies.

Cathy Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse share some strategies to support a psychedelic experience.

Visit the EPIC Healing Eugene Blog page to get updates, links to podcasts, and more hints on personal growth.

Cathy Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse share some more strategies on Psychedelic Preparation and Integration.

Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, Oregon Licensed Faciliator, and owner of EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting, shares five helpful tips for preparing for a psychedelic experience, building greater resiliency, and deepening one’s personal growth path.

Newest Videos: Preparation

Preparation - The Heart Path

Cathy Rosewell Jonas LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Retired Nurse share helpful strategies for preparing for a psychedelic experience, whether that be psilocybin or ayahuasca. Topics include "putting oneself into a spiritual bootcamp", practicing self--regulation strategies, breathing into the heart space, and more. EPIC Healing Eugene is Oregon and the Nation's First Psilocybin Service Center, and Radiant Heart Consulting provides licensed facilitation services for EPIC. EPIC offers mushroom therapy (full day professionally facilitated psilocybin journeys for individual and small groups. We also offer free ongoing free preparation and integration groups, including personal growth groups to all clients signed up for services.

EPIC Healing Eugene, Oregon and the First Licensed Service Center in Oregon (and Nation) provides a services update, one year post licensure. Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW/ CEO, and Heather Shelton, Retired Nurse engage in an informative and playful dialogue about types of services offered including individual prep, administration, and integration sessions, EPIC / RHC's free monthly preparation and integration groups, retreat offerings, helpful tips for Preparing and Integrating a Psychedelic experience. (May, 2024)

Preparation - Taking the “Bad” Out of the Trip

Cathy Rosewell Jonas LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Retired Nurse share more helpful strategies for preparing for a psychedelic experience, answering common questions about “the Bad Trip". Topics include "keeping a positive mindset, reframing “bad” for challenging, normalizing working with emotions, and more. EPIC Healing Eugene is Oregon and the Nation's First Psilocybin Service Center, and Radiant Heart Consulting provides licensed facilitation services for EPIC. EPIC offers mushroom therapy (full day professionally facilitated psilocybin journeys for individual and small groups. We also offer free ongoing free preparation and integration groups, including personal growth groups to all clients signed up for services.

Psychedelic Integration: Top Tips from EPIC Healing Eugene & Radiant Heart Consulting (w/ Licensed Facilitators, Cathy Rosewell Jonas LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Retired Nurse)