Nina Wyngethrin, BA, MS

Licensed Facilitator


Acceptance, warmth, generosity, patience, and celebration are hallmarks of my compassionate approach to facilitation.


Hi there, I’m Nina Wyngethrin. I come to this field of work with the belief that a psilocybin experience is not a quick fix, but that the medicine may support someone in finding truth, healing and opportunity within their own mind, especially when the setting and intention for the experience are carefully respected by the participant and facilitator. Using psilocybin may open us up and inherently place us in a vulnerable state of being; therefore, finding the facilitator that you trust is a critical part of creating the set and setting for the best outcomes of your medicine journey.

In the facilitator role I am trusted with my participants’ physical and mental health histories, their hopes and fears, and intentions. I show up as my authentic self, with an open heart, listen with curiosity and know that trust is earned. I deeply appreciate that the facilitator's role is to hold space gently and allow a participant's experience to unfold. Self discovery and acceptance are tender spaces full of potential that emerge as we unpack and integrate the lessons and insights after the psilocybin experience. I will follow you on this journey of subtle changes and incremental growth.

Acceptance, warmth, generosity, patience, and celebration are hallmarks of my compassionate approach to facilitation. I have developed these values and skills through my career in education, community service, and through the lived experience of being a sensitive, queer, woman, who passes as neurotypical and straight. Each of us has visible and invisible differences that may cause us to feel othered and impact our sense of self, and belonging. I honor and celebrate the strengths that often go unrecognized in the dominant culture and hold space to recognize and value our unique selves, with all of our quirks and learned survival strategies. I care deeply about serving vulnerable and marginalized populations. My goal is to support you in developing an intention and setting that will allow you to settle into the journey, explore your hopes and fears, gain new insights, shift perspective, and release thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Women's Studies from San Francisco State University and a Master of Special Education from the University of Hawaii. I am a graduate of the Subtle Winds Psilocybin Facilitation Training Program and have completed my Oregon psilocybin facilitator license. I very much look forward to supporting those who want to work with me.

Nina has both her facilitator license and OHA/OPS Work Permit

Primary Service Area:

Eugene, Oregon


Johani Askins “Juba”


Katie Markley, MA, LPC, LAC