Josh Foxen, BS

Licensed Facilitator

Embodied Life Coach

Ceremonialist, Heart-Centered Mentor & Guide

Supporting you on your journey towards wholeness and authenticity.


Sound healing practitioner, breathwork facilitator, Certified Men's Coach, Certified Reiki Practitioner, ceremonialist, mentor & guide.

As a licensed facilitator, Josh's service is a culmination of his gifts that he's explored and developed throughout his life and is rooted in core values of integrity, authenticity, and compassion.  With a background strongly influenced by modalities such as breathwork, sound healing, Reiki, parts work, and attachment work, Josh brings a holistic approach to his practice.

As a mentor and guide in the psilocybin journey space, he fosters a safe and nurturing environment, while guiding deep self-discovery and exploration to help individuals access profound insights & transformative experiences. Drawing on over 6 years of working with psychedelics and having traveled to Mexico, Central, and South America to sit with various plant medicines and learn from medicine carriers, Josh brings a diverse background of experience and holds a deep reverence to this work. 

With his diverse skill set and deep understanding of the spirit-mind-body connection, Josh supports individuals in breaking free from old patterns, healing wounds, and aligning with their highest selves. Together, Josh and his clients co-create a vision of authenticity, guiding them to embody their true essence and live a life aligned with their deepest values and sense of self.

Whether you're seeking to release trauma, deepen self-awareness, or cultivate personal/spiritual growth, Josh is dedicated to supporting you on your journey towards wholeness and authenticity.

In addition to psilocybin facilitation, Josh runs his own practice as Somatic Sound Practitioner, providing 1:1 healing, monthly men's groups, and on-going integration support.

Outside of his work, Josh loves to travel, practice yoga, play music, and explore nature.

Josh completed an approved facilitator training through the Changa Institute, and has his OPS Worker Permit and facilitator’s license.

Primary Service Area:

Portland, Oregon


Doug Weichbrodt